‘Abstraction’ & ‘Pocket Pieces’ Exhibition

08 Sep 12:00 am to 29 Oct 12:00 am

Location: 2 Stevens Street Gallery, Yandina QLD 4561

Price: $FREE

Who doesn’t enjoy an escape from reality, to look at things in a different way or to let your imagination run wild. To view an artwork and explore how it makes you feel or decide for yourself what you see?

Abstraction in art serves a distinct purpose—it doesn’t aim to narrate a specific story or present a literal image. Instead, its intention is to inspire engagement and ignite the imagination, enabling viewers to assign their own meanings to the artwork. This art form strives to offer an intangible and emotive experience, which varies greatly for each individual based on their personality and mood. This intensely personal journey enriches the viewer’s experience with the artwork.

While an artist may have a real object in mind when painting, that object might be stylized, distorted, or exaggerated using colours and textures to convey a particular feeling, rather than produce a replica. It’s more about how the beauty of shapes and colours can override representational accuracy.

This exhibition showcases artists that create work that allow the viewer to create their own interpretations and discover invoked feelings through the artist’s choice of medium and intentional mark making. This exhibition will be open from Sept 8- 29th Oct, every Wednesday – Sunday.

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